Monday, December 5, 2016

Rules for Role Playing Exercises


The scenario is played in turns. Each colony knows that there are other colonies and how many colonies there are. No colony knows the composition of any other colony at start. Each colony is adjacent to every other colony.

Turn sequence
Calculate colony food production.
Allocate food within the colony.
Kill off any starved ants.
Net surplus food is retained for next turn.
Send out scouting parties: Each player writes out the number and direction of their scouting parties. Scouting parties do not participate in defense of their colony if the colony is attacked.
Searched colony may attack scouting colony's scout party.
Scouting party may attack discovered colony.
Any discovering colony may attack a discovered colony.
Scouting party returns to colony.
Any discovering colony may attack a discovered colony.


To discover another colony an ant colony must first send out a scouting party, and that scouting party must then return to the colony with at least one live ant.
Any ant can scout
It only takes one ant to discover a colony, but it must return to its hive alive.

Each ant requires one unit of food. Each hectare of land produces one unit of food per turn. Each worker ant produces 3 units of food per turn. Each slave produces 2 units of food per turn.
Any ant colony can eat the workers of any other colony.
Ants which are the same color can make cooperative attacks

Ants may declare an attack. The attacking ant colony commits however many ants to the fight it chooses to use. The attacked ant colony may then defend itself or surrender.
If the attacked group or colony chooses to defend the attacking ant colony loses two warriors for ever one warrior killed: i.e. Ants which attack die at a rate of two warriors to one. An ant colony can however sacrifice workers instead of warriros. The attacker then loses no warriors. The sacrificed workers may be enslaved or eaten. workers may be enslaved. If the workers are enslaved they must be returned to the colony and the attack ends. If there are surviving workers and no warriors all the workers of that colony or group are killed or enslaved.

Each ant colony has a queen. The queen ant may give another colony hectares, workers, or warriors. Ant colonies may make treaties. However, there is no central enforcer of any ant treaty: the only remedy for a broken ant treaty is self help or collective self-defence.

1 hectare supports 1 ant.

Red Fire Ants
100 Warriors
10  Hectares
10 Workers
80 units of food

Red Ants
50 Warriors
10  Hectares
10 Workers
10 Units of food

Black Carpenter Ants
30 Warriors
20 Workers
150 Acres 
75 food

Black Ants
20 Warriors
50 Hectares
30 Workers
50 food

30 Warriors
10 Workers
20 Slaves
60 Hectares
70 foos

Blue Ants*
10 Slaves
20 Warriors
20 Workers
50 Hectares
55 food

Green Ants
100 Workers
20 Warriors
150 Hectares
200 food

Intra colony politics: A representative of a class of ants can go on strike. Warriors can refuse to fight. Workers can refuse to work. Slaves can try to rebel. If warriors refuse to fight the queen can order workers to attack them

: the workers then fight as warrior ants but only to suppress the warriors. If workers strike the queen can order the warriors to attack the workers as if they were another colony or group. If slaves rebel they must kill or be killed. Each slave rebel kills one warrior and each warrior kills one slave. Rebel slaves will not attack workers, and workers will not attack rebel slaves. More than one class can go on strike at the same time.

A slave rebellion results in an exchange of one slave ant for one warrior ant.

Ants may use slaves as human shields

Ants may only negotiate when they have discovered each other. A colony which has discovered another colony but is not discovered by that colony may only attack that colony until it is discovered. Of course, the discovering colony can indicate to the discovered colony that it exists. But the discovered colony must then send out its own scouts - which may or may not return - to the discovering colony.

No ant colony knows what the resources of any other ant colony are until the ant colony is discovered. That is, a discovering colony knows thereby what the composition of the discovered colony - the population and territory of the discovered colony. But that discovered colony does NOT know what the discovering colony's composition is.

Enslaved ants retain their colonial allegiances, even if their colony is entirely destroyed, even if they are liberated.


A terrible war has ruined Ruthenia. Ruthenia is populated by Ruthenians and Ainehturs. Most
Ruthenians worship Sacred Ruth, but some are atheists. Most Ainehturs worship Ain, "the one true God". The Ain religion is very strict. Ainehturs who reject Ain are expelled from their community. Some of them live in Ruthenian villages. A few worship Ruth and go to the Temple of Ruth with Ruthenians. However, Ainehtur minorities still speak Ainehturian and keep their culture. Even Ainehturian converts are distrusted and unpopular among Ruthenians.
No one can say for sure how the war between Big Ruthen and Greater Ainehtia started. But armies from Big Ruthen and Ainehtia raged through poor Ruthenia, committing terrible crimes. The war finally ended, but the conflict didn't. In this simulation students are assigned various roles "militant pan-nationalist", "minority", etc. to try to address issues of post-conflict social reintegration. This is an unscored role playing exercise. It seeks to help the students understand the problems of post-conflict integration objectively and dispassionately.

Mythical Theology:
Even though the Cult of Ruth requires a priest/ess the Ainehturian religion ("the Ain") does not. Each Ainehturian is their own priest, and can read and interpret the book of Ain. The Ain is strictly monotheist. Some Ruthenians are polytheists.

All persons in this scenario live in Ruthenia. Each player may choose to live in a mixed or non mixed community in Ruthenia. Radicals will not live in mixed communities.

Ruthenian priest/ess of Sacred Ruth - Moderate
Athiest Ruthenian - Moderate
Ainehturian convert to Cult of Sacred Ruth - Moderate
Ainehturian convert to Cult of Sacred Ruth - Radical (the self hating Ainehturian)
Ainehturian businessman - Moderate
Ruthenian Police - Neither moderate nor radical
Ruthenian Farmer - Neither moderate nor radical
Ainehturian Farmer - Neither moderate nor radical
Ruthenian religious radical "one in many, many in one"
Ruthenian nationalist radical "all for the people!"
Ruthenian Mystic - moderate "truth, what is truth"
Ainehturian Mystic  - moderate "i know the future"
Secular Ruthenian - moderate "can't we all get along?"
Ruthenian businessman - moderate "business is business"
Secular Ainehturian - moderate "you ought not to be (((so))) prejudiced"
Ainehturian religious radical "the one true god shall replace the many!"
Ainehturian nationalist radical "we must be one with greater Ainhturia!" The Ainehutrian nationalist seeks union with Ainehturia "by any means necessary"
Ruthenian war veteran - radical "at the front, we had a solution to this problem"
Ainehturian war victim - moderate "most of my relatives starved to death, some were shot"
Ainehturian war victim - radical "my entire family was murdered except me"
Mixed-Blood Psychotherapist: A psychologist trained in therapy. Can convert one radical to moderate or one neither radical nor moderate to moderate. Cannot influence religious beliefs of any player in any way.
Artist: "all is beauty, where is truth" Artist may choose to be Ruthenian, Ainehturian, or Mixed blood. The Artist is neither radical nor moderate. However, at any time, but only one time, the Artist can make any player except the priest or psychotherapist moderate, radical, or neither.
Ruthenian scientist "truth is all that matters" - Moderate
Insane war victim: This player is capable of random violence, and only random violence. The war destroyed their mind. "did you see what i saw?"

Each role player must say their quoted "lines" at least once: these are core identities which the students are meant to express, explore, and examine.

Mystics believe the cults of Ruth and Ain are compatible. Religious radicals believe the cults are totally incompatible since Ain is strict monotheism and Ruth may (or may not!) be polytheistic. That is one of the mysteries of Ruth, who is the "one in many, many in one". The Ruthenian priest must reject the theology of any religious radical.

Nationalist radicals want segregation, independence, or even extermination and expulsion of other nations. They are alike, yet also opposite. Radicals are capable of committing acts of violence. Murder, rape, massacres, random attacks.

Objectives: Radicals wish to radicalize others into radicalism.
Moderates wish to make others moderate.

Statistics: One a scale of 1 to 10 each player has
Mental Stability


Students are separated into two groups - one of which will be declared undesirable. Students are
assigned chits representing money. Some students have "keys" which grant access to university, a job, an apartment or a bomb. One student is designated "the secret policeman" whose job is to detect and recover the bomb. One student is designated "the terrorist". The terrorist's objective is to obtain the bomb. The secret policman has more chits than any one player but less than all chits total. Students are scored individually based on chit differential at start and end. Terrorist wins by obtaining bomb. Secret policeman wins by discovering terrorist or obtaining bomb.  Learning objectives: teaching the problem of paranoia, the necessity of security, the question of trust. exercise rules do not prohibit bribery, so exercise can be used to teach the problem of bribery, too. No central heating, only cold running water, if any water is available at all though it is safe to drink that water.

"The national minority" is relatively rich, educated and  "desirable". The national majority is ten times larger but ten times poorer. Some are near starvation, and their homes are of bad quality.

To make a bomb the terrorist requires a bomb plan, chemicals to make the explosive, and tools to build the bomb.

Chemist: Has formula for the bomb - costs 100 euros or whatever they agree to.
Online Store: Has the chemicals for a bomb - costs 100 euros or whatever they agree to.
Mechanic: Has the tools needed to make a bomb - costs 100 euros or whatever they agree to.
Professor: Knows that you need chemicals, tools, and a formula to make the bomb. Know one else knows this except the policeman, not even the terrorist

Chemicals can be used for work purposes,
Mechanics tools can be used for work purposes,
No one needs or wants bomb plans except the police, the military, and the terrorist. So the terrorist will likely pose as one of those roles to convince the professor to tell him that a bomb requires what is required.
The professor cannot lie about what is required to make a bomb but can say that they do not know or refuse to say.
If the professor tells the theory of the bomb to anyone else they may then tell that knowledge to the terrorist.c

Secret policeman can pretend to have tools, formula, chemicals or anything else the terrorist thinks they need

Terrorist Sympathizers can provide money or information to the terrorist

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